​Do you manage a landscaping business or a large plot of land? Then you know how important it is to take lawn care work safety seriously. If you don’t, then you may find that your entire operation gets run into the ground — no pun intended. Here are some of the top lawn care work risks, and how to protect yourself​​​:

Your mower hits an ornament

It doesn’t take much to damage a garden ornament. All you need to do is turn the mower too fast, or at the wrong angle to knock over something expensive and if this happens, it could cause you major issues.

Of course, one way for you to stop this from affecting your landscaping business would be for you to take out lawn care insurance. When you do, you will easily be able to cover the cost of the damages and you can also protect yourself against being sued.

Your truck gets in an accident

Another issue that you might face is if your truck gets in an accident. Think about it — what would happen to your equipment? You’d have to pay out for your own vehicle, and pay out for the other car too. If you have to do this then this could really hinder your finances.

One way for you to help yourself would be for you to take out lawn care insurance. When you do, you can then count on that to help protect you from any unforeseen expenses, like the ones listed above.

Customer claims you broke a contract

Don’t forget that some of the top lawn care work risks don’t involve accidents. One such risk is if a customer claims that you broke your contract. Imagine putting in days of labor and then finding out that your customer isn’t happy — and that they are trying to force you into an impossible position. You may even find that your business ends up losing out on a small fortune.

There are a few ways that you can get around this, and that includes taking out a quality insurance policy that covers breaches of contract. When you do, you can then defend yourself by hiring a quality lawyer.

You have an accident

What would happen if you were mowing a lawn and hit a stone? The stone could then fly into the homeowner’s window and shatter it. You’d then be responsible for paying the damages, and you may even end up with a huge bill.

And if you happen to break your equipment, then you may have to pay to get this replaced and this is the last thing that you need. Luckily, insurance can cover you for this, too.

Worker Injury

If a worker was to sustain an injury when on the job, this would really cause you issues. You will lose out on money while they are out of action and you may even find that you are responsible. Again, insurance will mitigate this risk for you.

With those top lawn care work risks in mind — and in your contracts and insurance plans — you can stop worrying about liabilities — and focus instead on your great landscaping abilities.

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