Parsippany, NJ — (BUSINESS WIRE) — Tangoe today announced it has invested in and bolstered its automation capabilities in its platform for order, invoice, inventory and expense management across telecom, mobile and cloud environments.

The company has introduced new robotic process automation (RPA) capabilities, workflow and business rules engines, artificial intelligence (AI) and APIs. Automation of expense management takes repeatable and standardized practices and applies machine learning and RPA to create efficiencies and save money.

RPA provides end-to-end workflows for all of the common processes Tangoe manages — including downloading and processing invoices, auditing and optimizing expenses, order processing, and updating inventory — while machine learning and AI offer customer support for personalized assistance. Tangoe has automated approximately 90% of its processes on behalf of customers.

“Even in a booming economy, enterprises must look for opportunities to create efficiencies and trim unnecessary spending, but it becomes even more critical during times of economic uncertainty,” said Brandon Henning, Chief Product Officer at Tangoe. “The average enterprise receives more than 300 invoices each month. Automation is one of the most effective ways for an organization to track down hidden costs and manage expenses.”

Tangoe says its enhanced automation capabilities help customers save more money in the following ways:

By extending RPA across its telecom platforms, Tangoe is now able to download 10.6 million invoices annually, up from 7.8 million, and the overall invoice processing time has been reduced by four days. This allows Tangoe to identify and act on savings opportunities for customers more quickly.

Using a combination of predictive and prescriptive analytics to analyze mobile usage patterns compared to carrier contracts, Tangoe offers customers automated savings recommendations, resulting in over $18.6 million in identified savings for customers in 2019 alone.

With Tangoe’s automated cloud data usage reports, customers gain real-time visibility into usage, enabling them to make quick decisions to better leverage their cloud deployments. Eliminated cloud waste from daily usage reports has resulted in $3 million in savings since last year.

Learn more about how Tangoe can automate daily tasks and help enterprises work smarter and save money:!


Danielle Beer
Finn Partners for Tangoe
(312) 329-3985