Do you find your child or partner always on his or her mobile phone, spending a lot of time texting someone? Do you ask them, but get suspicious answers? Do you wish you could secretly track texts and other messages without him or her knowing?

It sounds strange, but it’s getting more common for people to track someone online or spy on their messages. There are now lots of spy apps and software available online that let you secretly track texts, Facebook Messenger, or WhatsApp messages.

Why use a spying app?

Trust is probably the most important foundation of any relationship. If trust is damaged, then it’s very hard to build it again. So, investing in a relationship that does not have a trustworthy and loyal partner means trouble in the future. It’s better to spend a little time to find out the truth, and then move on if needed.

Broken trust isn’t always just with a partner. It could be your child, your teenager, another family member, or your employee. After all, even the hardest working employees are not immune to stealing your company’s confidential information.

But while your child or partner or employee is closing doors on you and your trust, the internet still has “back doors” that let you easily spy on him or her — without anyone noticing.

With a spying app, it is quite easy. A good spying app offers the easiest solution to access someone’s phone without their password. Now you can install a spy app easily and secretly on someone’s device to get updates about their activity. You can then track their device location, calls, texts, WhatsApp messages, Messenger details, and internet activities.

It doesn’t matter if your partner is using Android, iOS, or another phone or tablet platform. Your spy software provides you access to their device to see their messages and all of the other aforementioned activities.

The amazing thing is, you can do all of this without them knowing you’re doing it.

Secretly track texts, messages and more

To get started, you first have to download or install the app’s software on the other person’s device. The software runs in the background with no signs that it’s running. Moreover, you can operate it from your computer or mobile device through an internet browser.

The spying software will provide the details about SMS and calls history, and let you access their Messenger or WhatsApp inbox without any password requirement. You can customize the spy app settings as you need.

The spy software will also offer you the ability to create a backup copy of everything you’re tracking, so you have a record. So, if the person deletes their SMS or calls log you still have your backup.

Not sure which spying app is best? A recent article, “how parents can monitor Snapchat applications,” tells you how to catch your child or partner red-handed with proof she or he is lying to you. It also recommends some software to try.

Knowing the truth in your relationship with your child, girlfriend, boyfriend, spouse or business partner is invaluable. So in that way, secretly tracking texts or other phone activity is a very worthwhile thing.

Is the government or someone else spying on you? Find out how to protect yourself with a VPN app.