How do you sell to your online or mobile followers without selling out?
Here are 10 top affiliate marketing tips to sell anything well.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money online. Internet celebrities like Missy Ward, Darren Rowse, Neil Patel, Jeremy Schoemaker and John Chow are making large sums of money on a daily basis. The best part about it, is that you can do it at home. All you have to do is share some of the products you love online through your affiliate link. Then when someone buys it, you get a commission. Pretty simple, right?

Well the truth is it’s not always that simple. Some people may think that they are just not cut out for it but more often than not it is their mistakes that lead to their imminent failure. Today, we are going to give you the top 10 do’s and don’ts of affiliate marketing to help you in your journey to success.

The Do’s:

1. Focus on your niche

This is a very important point because many people ignore it. Many affiliate marketers are driven by greed, which makes them try to sell anything even if they’ve never heard of it before. Though his may work for professional affiliates, it may end up being disastrous to those just starting out. The people who often follow your site or your channel want to see you sell something that embodies your content.

For example, if you have a YouTube channel about music then you should be promoting products like guitars, violins or just anything related to music. If you start selling cars or microwaves then you may lose some subscribers. Focusing on your niche helps you keep your audience and also make quality referrals.

2. Make wonderful content

Your content is what helps you retain your current audience and get more in the future. For this reason, it should be well-made, irresistible and engaging. If your audience likes your content, then they know they will certainly love your recommended products. This is because they feel that they can trust you.

3. Develop a plan

Mobile and online marketing tipsAffiliate marketing is a business. Despite being easy to start it can get very challenging as time goes by. This is why you need a plan. You need to know what your audience love and how you will promote them. This can be done by doing some extensive market research. Developing a plan helps you carry out things in an organized manner. It reduces that rush and “get rich quick” feeling you may have.

4. Use social media

All great business men know the power of social media and that is why they have accounts in almost every social media site. Even though you may have a very influential site or YouTube channel, you can still share your affiliate links on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. There may be people who may have never heard of your site despite its popularity. That means you get more traffic and also make more sales.

5. Be patient

Patience is the key to affiliate marketing. Many people join an affiliate marketing program and after just a few days of trial and error they give it up completely. You should never give up. If you see that a certain marketing strategy isn’t working out, then move on to the next one. If email marketing doesn’t yield any results try promoting the links through social media, your blog or your YouTube channel.

The Don’ts:

6. Don’t spam

affiliate marketing tips dos and don'tsUnwanted and repetitive content is often considered spam. It is often annoying and although many people may click on the link they seldom buy anything. That means you get traffic but your conversion rate remains poor. If you get reported as spam many companies with affiliate programs will cease their operations with you.

7. Don’t violate terms and conditions

Before joining an affiliate program, you are often issued with their terms and conditions. It is very important that you read them with the utmost care. This is because different companies operate differently and so what is acceptable in one may be considered a violation by others. The consequences of violation of these terms may include; loss of all commission, elimination from the program or even legal actions if it is something serious.

8. Don’t lie

Honesty is a very important virtue that every marketer should have. Lies often lead to you losing your audience. Imagine having a very popular site or YouTube channel and then you blatantly lie about a product’s features. What will happen is your audience will buy the product and when they realize that you lied they will most likely expose you. That means the site or channel you created and popularized for years will be destroyed by a single unnecessary lie.

9. Don’t skip the details

Customers are often looking for something different. If you promote your affiliate product with the same description a million other people use then they will most likely ignore it. You should be extensive in your analysis of a product so that your audience is convinced to buy.

It is also important to give real life testimonials about your product. If you are promoting a hair product, then show them how it has changed your hair, or someone you know. If you’re promoting a forex marketing blog, don’t just talk about general low spreads — pick a popular currency pair like the EUR/USD, and talk about its spreads.

10. Don’t only focus on sales

If you’re doing affiliate marketing through your blog, YouTube channel or social media, don’t focus on sales all the time. Your audience follow you mostly because of your content so do not over-promote products. If you are promoting the product in a video, then just assign a small time near the end or at the start to do the promotion and point to the link. The rest of the video should be about your content.